Canada has a diverse culture with people coming from different ethnic backgrounds and traditions, but you will find a rich history of engaging and getting involved in the community – Volunteering is a perfect example of how individuals give back to the community in Canada. The fact that you are away from home and are starting a new life in Canada, here are some of the ways ‘volunteering’ can benefit you:
- Networking – When you are new to Canada, you do not have a lot of connections. In order to gain a better sense of belonging in a new country, you can establish meaningful relationships within your communities to gradually meet people and grow your professional network. You will be surprised to learn how your network can lead to potential job opportunities.
. - Build Canadian Experience – Newcomers to Canada often face the challenge of not having Canadian work experience. Depending on your job search and the types of jobs / career opportunities you are looking for, volunteering can help you gain that experience and bridge the gap. Furthermore, because of your volunteering efforts at the organization, you can also ask them for references for employment in Canada.
. - Improve Your English – If you speak multiple languages or if the official language or your home country is not English, you probably speak in your mother-tongue with family and friends. By getting involved in the community or volunteering, you will interact with people in one primary language – English, which will significantly contribute to your confidence to communicate in English, which can help improve your overall communication skills.
. - Evolve and Stay Busy – Being away from home in a new country is certainly exciting yet challenging at the same time, and it is very easy to get stressed or feel depressed and isolated. By volunteering and getting involved in the community, you can take care of your physical and mental health and remain engaged in the community to stay positive and motivated.
* Finding an organization that requires volunteers will take a considerable amount of effort as it requires both research and patience. You can look up these companies online and find opportunities on their websites or you connect with them through LinkedIn. Some of these opportunities can be found at your community YMCA or Recreational Centres, Public Libraries, Welcome Centres in the Community, and Places of Worship.